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Tidbits for Thought


John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants, because a

servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I

have called you friends, for everything I learned from my

Father I have made known to you.”

A true friend is one of the greatest blessings we might

receive in our brief journey on and through this secular

world. A true friend is one who is always there for you no

matter what is transpiring in your world. He is the one with

whom you can share your deepest thoughts, aspirations,

dreams and fears without the fear of ridicule or judgement,

and he will never divulge them. He is the one who might try

to talk you down from making a wrong turn but withholds

condemnation when you do make that wrong turn. He is

there to help you pick up the pieces after a broken

relationship or a bad career move or a disastrous mistake.

He is the one who sits with you in your darkest hours of

grief, fear and betrayal and celebrates with you the light

and joy of the good things of life. He will never disrespect

or denigrate you by spewing out unsolicited advice, the

junk mail of life. A true friend, many times, knows you

better than you know yourself and always displays

unconditional love. A true friend is a God given gift that

knows no price.

Henri Nouwen captured the essence of friendship when he

wrote, “When we honestly ask ourselves which person in

our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those

who, instead of giving advice, solutions or cures, have

chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with

a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with

us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with

us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate

not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the

reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.”

Jesus promised to send us the Counselor (John 14:26) and

by that act He gave us the gift of a perfect friend…. a friend

that is always with us… a friend that will never betray us….

a friend that will guide and teach us…. a friend that

comforts us in our times of grief…. a friend that helps us

develop the beautiful fruit that embodies the Christian

lifestyle (Gal 5:22) …. a friend that helps us to grow in the

glory of God…. a friend that implores us to reach out to the

“least of these” …. a friend that assists us in being a friend

to others…. a friend that exhorts us to confront evil…. a

friend that urges us to be bold in sharing the Good News.

When Jesus called His disciples friends, He made a

declarative statement that echoes through the ages. That

means that you and I are blessed among all people to

enjoy the constant company and the gentle presence of the

greatest friend that might ever be imagined. The friendship

of the Spirit of God is priceless and beyond comparison.

Think about it!                                                                 ~ Aron Smith  

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